Veteran’s Memorial Walk: A Tribute to Veteran’s Past and Present

A new Memorial Park is open that commemorates all veterans.

One of the things I love about my blog (besides all the amazing food I eat) are the incredible people I meet through it. Mostly, my blog affords me the opportunity to sit down and talk with chefs, which I love. Last month, however, I received an email from a reader asking me for restaurant recommendations. As I do with any request for recs, I replied with my selections for them to have a splendid dinner. The reader, Wayne, was so thankful he offered to give me a tour of the Veterans’ Memorial Park which has just been completed in Newton Park in Johns Creek, GA.

Many local businesses have contributed to the building of the Veterans Memorial in Newton Park

A light breeze was in the air as we ascended the beautiful brick steps to meet Wayne for our tour of the Memorial Park. Wayne himself is a veteran, and also a purple heart recipient. He along with  three other members of the Johns Creek Veterans Association worked tirelessly on the two year project building the John’s Creek Veterans Memorial Walk in Newtown Park.  This four acre contemplative Memorial is quite different from the vast majority of Veteran Memorials.

Memorial Walk was designed by Veterans as a tribute to all Veterans in every war


A paved circular path leads visitors to each separate plaque for each war beginning at World War I and ending at the Afghanistan War. What’s notable about this memorial for veterans is that there aren’t any war memorabilia like tanks or cannons. Among the lush landscaping and plaques are the bricks engraved with soldiers’ names and close to the center of the veterans memorial is a beautiful water and stone feature.

The peaceful stone and water feature at the Veterans Memorial Walk

In addition to the plaques honoring the veterans of wars there are three distinct plaques worth mentioning: The Purple Heart, The Prisoner of War / Missing In Action and the Women in Service. Purple Heart recipients are those that were killed or wounded in action. The most were given our in WWII, with nearly one million given to soldiers. The Women in Service plaque honors the women who’ve served as nurses, clerks and in various other ways. Did you know? As early as the Revolution, women were disguising themselves to serve alongside their fathers and brothers.

Wayne Kidd, Purple Heart medal recipient, and member of the Johns Creek Veterans Association

The Veterans Memorial Park is rather new and tours are only scheduled by appointment. If you are interested in donating to or touring this beautiful memorial and tribute to our veterans, send an email to

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